Health and Nutrition

Within the framework of the organization’s interest in the health aspect, and on the occasion of Pink October, the organization held several awareness lectures on breast cancer in the areas of Al-Hudayba and Al-Louis, south of Al-Damir. A large number of women participated in these lectures The lectures discussed the possible causes of breast cancer. How to detect breast cancer early. How periodic examination works and the benefit of periodic examination.

Primary health care support has been increased to single health facility through outreach activities, including recruitment with relevant health care personnel where a doctor and laboratory technician were be provided and visited the area once a week. The roles of the medical assistant have also been strengthened, providing nurse support, midwife support and data clerk. ). Small-scale financial assistance was also provided to 7 individuals and caregivers requiring referral to secondary health facilities. Proper installation and use of medical equipment and furniture is also provided. In addition to the proper management and distribution of medicines, medical materials and supplies for their delivery to health facilities. 12 hygiene and health promoters were also trained on symptoms and signs of disease and referral mechanisms. Weekly promotional and awareness sessions focusing on health, led by hygiene and health regulators. IEC material printing.

Sudan, River Nile State Aldamer , Block 13 House No 173
+249 9 12305525