raining course on forming child-friendly clubs led by teenagers (life skills - learning citizenship - psychosocial support for children). July 2024

The Nabta Organization, in partnership with the Atash Organization and with funding from UNICEF, implemented a three-day training course on forming child-friendly clubs led by teenagers (life skills - learning citizenship - psychosocial support for children). I was targeted

 Several 51 male and female teachers from Al-Damer schools, and the workshop covered the following topics

Concepts and definitions of children's and teenagers' clubs

- Objectives and importance of children’s club activities and measurement indicators

- Children’s participation and self-management

- The guiding principles and foundations upon which friendly clubs are based

- Facilitation skills, organizational structure of the club and associations

- Duties of club and association members

- Life skills to support children and teenagers’ clubs

- How the facilitator encourages children to take initiative through teenage children’s clubs

- Interactive theater - interactive activities within children’s clubs

- The concept of citizenship and its goals/principles of citizenship

- Psychosocial support, resistance, and reaction (the role of the facilitator in building resistance, psychosocial support, and supporting adolescents for positive learning)

- Planning activities related to the psychosocial support program

- Developing participants' capabilities and skills to conduct the psychosocial support program's follow-up and evaluation processes.

Sudan, River Nile State Aldamer , Block 13 House No 173
+249 9 12305525